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Lonely Boy

Where There's Brass

Where There’s Brass (Photo credit: garryknight)

I cannot play any musical instrument, so I am always impressed by people who can. Lonely boy by Mnozil Brass is very tricky. I hope you enjoy it.


I found this history of the group on Wikipedia.

Mnozil Brass is an Austrian brass septet, founded in 1992. All founding members were graduates of the renowned Vienna College of Music, who met while playing at the Mnozil pub in Vienna’s first inner city district. Music is presented in a typical Austrian humour style, which can be approximately characterized as “jet black” and “here and there” absurd. Elements of slapstick exist next to virtuosic brass playing. Notably Austrian and German schlager songs of the 20th century are often caricatured. Former member Sebastian Fuchsberger was a great talent in imitating, for example, Johannes Heesters and Udo Jürgens. Mnozil Brass is able to convince the audience that playing music is not just serious business. Mnozil plays classical and jazz music using traditional brass instruments and more unusual instruments such as the keyed trumpet and Wagner tuba.


7 comments on “Lonely Boy

  1. s1ngal
    August 11, 2012

    loved the clip.


    • judysp
      August 12, 2012

      clever group aren’t they ? 🙂


      • s1ngal
        August 12, 2012

        amazing indeed, the music, the justice to the title… I’m more of a second-hand music lover so this is really really amazing. thanks for sharing. if u have some more, i don’t mind. 😉


  2. russtowne
    August 12, 2012

    That was fun and funny! Thank you for sharing it!


    • judysp
      August 12, 2012

      Seems like you have the same quirky humor as me Russ 🙂


  3. f5ejunkcongsualword1982
    October 17, 2012

    Reblogged this on Jennifer Prissel Journal.


  4. fcfampobidi1985
    October 29, 2012

    Reblogged this on William Spielberg Weblog.


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